When purchasing a new rug for your spaces, you might find some issues to keep it fixed to the floor; there might be some rug slipping and clumping to solve. And this is completely normal; rugs made of cloth are possibly slippery when put on smooth floors, such as hardwood floors
Tags: oriental rug
Have you ever come across a piece of art you really liked, only to later find that the artist was poorly paid for their beautiful piece of work? In many different ways, rugs are definitely one type of object that people underestimate and may not have thought is art, but rugs can definitely be pieces of art in your own private museum.
Tags: oriental rug
If you've been thinking about buying a grey rug for your living room, you'll want to read this article first. We cover some helpful tips on how to choose, match, accessorize, and take care of your new addition, as well as some ideas on how to choose a grey rug that is perfect for your home.
Tags: oriental rug
This blog post has compiled a list of some tips and tricks on how to find your next living room rug! We have also gathered some ideas on how to make sure it coordinates with the other colors in your room, so take a look if that's something you're interested in reading about!
Tags: oriental rug
A rug is most likely to slip on carpet or flooring when it’s not well-anchored. When you have an area rug, this is a very common issue. Therefore, before it becomes a hazard for your family or before even purchasing a rug, you must keep in mind that you may want to find a solution to this.
Tags: oriental rug
The category of “transitional rugs” among the catalogs may seem enigmatic, for we might not understand how might a rug involve a transition. Transitional rugs are pieces of decor that hold elements both from traditional and modern styles.
Tags: oriental rug
You may be keen to shop for a beautiful handmade oriental rug for decorating your home and enhancing its appeal. But before you do this, you should try to gain some knowledge about handmade Oriental rugs.
Tags: oriental rug
Rugs in the kitchen? Sounds a little crazy, right? Kitchens are one of the best rooms for rugs, both in terms of style and practicality. But (obviously), not any rug will do. In this post, we’ll discuss what types of rugs are best for a kitchen and how to choose the right one for yours.
Tags: oriental rug
Carpets and rugs are the most popular floor coverings in the Western world. There are plenty of reasons for their popularity – they're comfortable, warm, long-lasting, easy to install, and have very low maintenance, making them an ideal investment. But what is the difference between carpets and rugs?
Tags: oriental rug
You should look in different catalogs for all different types of rugs just to see and compare before purchasing one. Please, allow us to tell you what are some of the options you can choose from. And trust us when we say there are plenty:
Tags: oriental rug
Are you worried about that stain on the new rug that you bought for your living room? Not every rug stain is created equally, so the way you remove the stains will not be the same. When it comes to the most difficult stains, we would like to share with you some useful tips so you can deal with the worst of the worst ones.
Tags: oriental rug
When you go to stores, they will try and sell you rugs that are too expensive, too large, or too small, the wrong color and style, or even worse, a low-quality product. In this post, you will learn how to find the best rug for your house or office
Tags: oriental rug